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Food Adulteration Paragraph | Free Course 2023

Food Adulteration Paragraph

Food Adulteration Paragraph – Food adulteration means adding or mixing another substance to a food item in order to make more profit, preserve it for a long time or make it appealing. It reduces the actual quality of food item and causes health hazards. It is considered to be one of the major problems in our country. There is hardly any food that is not adulterated in one way or another.

There are many bad impacts of adulterated food. They are generally harmful to health and cause serious health problems like digest problem, diarrhea, dysentery, cancer, kidney failure, heart problem etc. The adulterated foods are nothing but slow poison that’s kills people slowly. Nowadays adulteration of food in our country is so widespread that it is difficult to find a food item which is safe to eat.

Milk and milk products are poorly processed, vegetables have pesticides with item, fishes are preserved with formalin and fruits are preserved with poisonous chemicals. A recent survey conducted in some areas of Dhaka city reports that 40% of 82% samples of, milk products, fish, fruits and vegetables contained DDT, Aldrin and other poisonous chemicals.

It is not unknown that strict monitoring and supervision in the production process can control food adulteration to a great extent. It is not possible for Govt. alone to control the widespread adulteration of foods. General public should be aware and should boycott the product that is detected to be adulterated. Also, Govt. must enact strict laws against adulteration. Capital punishment should be ensured to the dishonest traders who are involved in food adulteration.

Food Adulteration Paragraph For hsc / ssc

Food Adulteration Paragraph  – Man cannot live without food. It is essential for health and life. But this food should be pure, clean and fresh. Nowadays food is often adulterated. In hotels and restaurants, stale and rotten food is mixed with fresh food and served to customers. Fish and vegetables are treated with toxic chemicals and preservatives to make them look fresh. 

Bakery and confectionery products are also made using toxic substances and thus they are adulterated. Junk food contains harmful chemicals. Even fruits, milk, drinks are adulterated.In fact, unscrupulous and greedy traders and shopkeepers adulterate all kinds of food items for quick and unreasonable profits. Junk food is very harmful to health. 

They cause many serious diseases and even death. Food adulteration has become a major problem in our country. Dealing in adulterated food is a serious offence. Criminals should be identified and punished. Public awareness should be created so that they are careful about buying food and food items.

Dishonest and greedy food traders should be looked down upon in society. The concerned departments of the government should always be vigilant against adulteration and strengthen their activities. It is satisfactory that our government has taken appropriate measures to eradicate this problem, punish the culprits and save the people from this terrible calamity.

Food Adulteration Paragraph

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Food Adulteration Paragraph 150 words

Food Adulteration Paragraph  – Food is a very precious element in human life which is essential for us. We get heat and energy by consuming food. It helps to survive on earth. But our food is being adulterated. Food adulteration is the process of preparing food by adding another substance or chemical that makes the food less pure and harmful to the human body. 

Chemicals are added to food to make it palatable. Thus the food loses its purity and value. Eating these foods makes us sick. It destroys the immune system of the human body.Everyone is a victim of food adulteration. But the most victims are children. Recently we found the toxic chemical melamine in milk powder. Unscrupulous traders are solely responsible for adulteration. 

Recently, the government has set up mobile courts to punish these adulterers. Government should take more necessary steps to stop food adulteration and we should also be aware.

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দের অর্থ

adulteration – ভেজাল; substance – পদার্থ; profit – লাভ preserve – সংরক্ষণ; appealing – আবেদনময়; reduces – কমায়, হ্রাস করে; hazards – বিপদ; impacts – প্রভাব; digest problem – হজমের সমস্যা; diarrhea – ডায়রিয়া; dysentery – আমাশয়; poison – বিষ; widespread – ব্যাপক; pesticides – কীটনাশক; formalin – ফরমালিন; poisonous chemicals – বিষাক্ত রাসায়নিক; survey – জরিপ; supervision – তত্ত্বাবধান; monitoring – পর্যবেক্ষণ; great extent – বড় পরিমাণে; boycott – বয়কট, বর্জন; traders – ব্যবসায়ীরা।

food adulteration paragraph for hsc | food adulteration paragraph 150 words |  food adulteration paragraph hsc  |  food adulteration paragraph 100 words